
Bioretention cells, 也被称为雨花园, 已被确定为具有成本效益的雨水管理工具. Generally, bioretention cells are shallow excavated or natural depressions designed to filter and store stormwater.

五大湖是国家和国际的瑰宝. 它们含有世界上20%的地表淡水, 为4200万人提供饮用水, 也是该地区经济和文化多样性的中心. They generate $4.50亿美元的运动渔业,6美元.五大湖八州的渔业收入高达50亿美元. The increase in urbanization and has lead to an increase in polluted stormwater reaching the Great Lakes. In addition, 城市化的增加减少了雨水补给和滞后时间, which have been identified as a major contributor to flooding and deterioration of streams and rivers. 径流的增加, decreases the ability of surface water to infiltrate and recharge the water table. 这导致地下水减少, which may negatively impact streams that rely on groundwater for a source of supply.

The negative impacts previously listed have lead to an increase in water quality and quantity regulations. 解决众多的雨水管理问题, innovative stormwater techniques have been developed and implemented internationally.  A stormwater technique that has been identified as a cost effective best management practice (BMP) is the bioretention cell. This website is dedicated to providing research results and determining the effectiveness of bioretention cells for stormwater management for both water quality and quantity.


"Planning, Planting and Maintaining Residential Rain Gardens", ANLA, February 2009    






Bioretention MSU GW    



hillco Greenroof演示    


Planting Mix MWEA    


Taubman Fact Sheet    

" 房主雨花园设计手册”,ANLA, 2009年2月 

" Rain Garden Feasibility Study for Lathrup Village Sites on Roseland and San Rosa Avenues", SOCWA, September 4, 2008 

"Rain Garden Sizing & 为房主设计的雨水花园” 

" The A. 利记sbo阿尔弗雷德·陶布曼学生服务中心" 

《利记sbo》, 胭脂河流域社区, January 11, 2007 


"Rain Garden Design, Construction and Maintenance", ANLA, Louisville, Kentucky, February 2009 

" Investigation of Rain Garden Planting Mixture Design", FSA 2008 Winter Conference, Tampa, FL 

" 土壤特征对可持续场地设计的影响, 2009五大湖贸易博览会, Grand Rapids, MI, Jan 5 2009 

" 生物保留设计AH市民工作坊”,2007年7月26日 

" Bioretention Cell Design", Michigan Groundwater Stewardship Program, Jan 26, 2007 

“生物保持设计与实现”,SSW, 2007年4月19日 

“雨园种植混合物的调查”,MWEA, 2008年6月23日  

" 雨花园”,SOCME, 2009年1月20日  

rain guage

Rain Gauge

订购了一个雨量计并在A址附近安装. 雨量计利用倾斜的雨水收集斗运作. The collector consists of a black-anodized aluminum collector ring with knife edge and a funnel that diverts water to a tipping bucket mechanism. 这个桶是为每个人设计的 .01英寸的降雨斗尖. The bucket tips are then detected with a magnet that is attached to the bottom of the bucket and actuates a magnetic switch. 开关连接到HOBO数据记录器,记录降雨.  The recorded rainfall is then discharged through a small opening in the bottom of the rain gauge. It is suggested that the rain gauge be cleaned periodically due to accumulation of bugs, dirt, etc. 雨量计精确到±1%, 工作温度范围+32华氏度至125华氏度.

HOBO Weather Station

安装了一个气象站和两个HOBO气象站数据记录器. The data loggers include ten sensor connection ports, internal and external communications port. 数据记录仪由四节AA电池供电, and the life of the batteries are dependent on the time interval of data sampling and collection, number of sensors, 电池类型和使用环境. This project utilized rechargeable batteries and the data loggers were programmed for 1 minute data sampling and 15 minute data collection.


Temperature Sensors

Five 12-Bit Temperature Smart Sensors are currently collecting temperature data. There are two in each cell at depths of 12 inches and 30 inches and one at the weather station collecting air temperature. The smart sensors have a plug-in modular connector that allows it to be added easily to the HOBO Weather Station. The sensors measurement range is from -8 to 212 degrees Fahrenheit (-40 degrees Celcius to +100 degrees Celcius), 精度为±2摄氏度至-36摄氏度, 分辨率小于0.从03摄氏度到小于0摄氏度.054 degrees Celcius. 



十个土壤湿度智能传感器, 每个单元5个,深度从6英寸到30英寸不等 土壤湿度传感器收集土壤水分数据. Each of the Soil Moisture Smart Sensors provide accurate readings for soil between 32 to 122 degrees Fahrenheit (0 and +50 degrees Celcius), 在-8华氏度(-40摄氏度)下保持完整性, 并且可能被留在地下作为永久设施.  The sensors do not require regular maintenance and come pre-calibrated for most soil types. The soil moisture sensor measures the dielectric constant of soil in order to determine its volumetric water content. The dielectric constant of water is much higher than that of air or soil minerals, 这使得它成为水含量的敏感测量.  A value of 0 to .1 m 3 /m 3 分别表示烘箱干土和干土. Values of .3 to .4 m 3 /m 3 通常表示土壤湿润至饱和. Values outside the 0.0 to .4 m 3 /m 3 可能是传感器工作不正常的信号.


HS Flume

HS FlumePlasti Fab HS Flumes were utilized for this project to collect discharge from the underdrains at the bottom of the cells. The flumes were installed in the catchbasins located within the each of the cells. 由于流域大小的限制 .在A单元使用的4hs水槽. Cell B utilized a .6 HS Flume. The .4hs水槽的设计流量范围为1gpm至30gpm .6hs水槽设计为1gpm至80gpm.  The flumes have flat bottoms and were installed level with the approach section and to allow free flow at the end.



水质采样器The third piece of equipment ordered included two Teledyne ISCO GLS Compact Water Quality samplers. The samplers are compact portable that were designed for easy insertion and removal from manholes. 它们被用于雨水径流, 联合下水道溢流, 卫生下水道评估, 非点源采样和生物监测. 为了这个项目,我们建造了两个木箱, 用于天气保护和安全目的, 样本被放在这些盒子里. 采样器可以设置为基于时间间隔或流量的采样, 可以单独运行,也可以与可接受的流量计一起运行. The samplers were calibrated utilizing procedures outlined within the GLS Compact Sampler manual.



Flowmeter安装并编程了两台Teledyne ISCO 4230流量计. 4230流量计采用起泡器液位测量方法. 起泡器系统使用小型压缩器或泵将空气泵入储气罐. 这种空气通过针形阀慢慢释放到气泡管道中, 一段小直径的软管. 油管的另一端浸没在水流中. Within the flowmeter the tubing is also connected to a differential pressure transducer. Air is slowly released into the tubing and as pressure builds the bubble is forced out in the flow. The amount of pressure to counteract the hydrostatic pressure is converted into the level of flow within the flume by the pressure transducer. 4230采用Flowlink软件进行数据检索和存储. 4230能够存储超过40,000个数据读数. The Flowmeter has capabilities of connecting to a sampler, raingauge, and modem.


连续温度, soil moisture, rainfall data is being collected at both 生物滞留细胞A和生物滞留细胞B. The links below, 生物滞留细胞A和生物滞留细胞B, 包括已收集的所有数据 到目前为止,它是以幻灯片的形式呈现的. The data is collected from the data logger through a usb/com port and downloaded in to Hoboware Pro. 流量数据通过usb口采集,导入Flowlink软件. Due to the varying equipment companies and limited compatibility of soil temperature and moisture, rainfall, and discharge data, all data is exported to excel where it is then sorted and input into graphs to show the temporal impacts of each parameter. 


Bioretention Cell A             

Bioretention Cell B
